Development of a REST API for Digital Pacific using Django and Tastypie
Who are Digital Pacific?
Digital Pacific is a web hosting services provider located in Australia, specialising in domain name registration, web hosting and email hosting. With over 20 years of experience, they are committed to providing the best possible platform for their clients to host their websites on.
Why Lambert Labs?
Lambert Labs was chosen for our expertise in Python development and in particular our experience with the Django framework. We were able to transfer our knowledge of other packages in the Python ecosystem such as the Django REST framework to develop a tastypie API that was fast, scalable, and easy to use. Our proven track record of creating Python APIs for our previous clients gave Digital Pacific trust that we would produce an API that was robust and scalable.
What we did
- Lambert Labs worked on feature development for a backend Python application maintained by Digital Pacific, consisting of a REST API that was used to manage network resources.
- The Tastypie REST framework enabled us to easily create robust and RESTful API endpoints to handle the allocation of network resources.
- To ensure our code was of high quality, we wrote a suite of tests for the newly implemented API endpoints using the pytest testing framework.
If you would like to find out a little bit more about Lambert Labs then please feel free to read about our Python development services, AWS consulting services or AWS Well-Architected Framework Review services.