Cleaning data for Cisco Meraki with Python data pipelines

Cisco Meraki is a San Francisco-based global leader in cloud controlled WiFi, routing and security solutions. Their products include security cameras and sensors, wireless networking, switching, mobile device management and wide area networking.

Why Lambert Labs?

Cisco Meraki chose to work with Lambert Labs because of our expertise in using Python data cleaning processes in order to transform unstructured data into structured data. 

What we did

The team at Lambert Labs worked closely with the Cisco Meraki sales team to transform an unstructured, messy dataset of sales leads into a structured clean dataset of sales targets for a new product launch. 

Our implementation included heavy use of vanilla Python, including extensive use of regex for text cleaning and manipulation. 

To ensure the easy maintainability of our codebase we used our standard set of tools for static code analysis, including 3rd-party linting packages such as flake8, flake8-bugbear, flake8-builtins, flake8-commas, flake8-comprehensions, flake8-print, flake8-import-order and flake8-quotes. We use pytest for our unit tests.

Find out more about our expert Python development services.