Authoring Python and Django tutorials for OpenClassrooms

What is OpenClassrooms?

OpenClassrooms is an online education platform which provides courses in technology, entrepreneurship and digital skills to more than 2.5 million users worldwide. The courses enable users to learn online by reading, watching videos, doing projects and participating in mentoring sessions.

The Challenge

OpenClassrooms wanted to design and build a 12-month bachelor-level Python diploma which would prepare students for entry-level jobs in software development using Python.

Why Lambert Labs?

OpenClassrooms chose to work with Lambert Labs because of our ability to provide a committee of Python experts with a range of skills and experience to help with the design and creation of their Python diploma path.

What We Did

  • Collaborated with other Python experts and a Senior Instructional Designer at OpenClassrooms to design the curriculum for the Python diploma path. This included outlining courses and projects for students to complete as part of the diploma.
  • Produced detailed plans for student projects, including project briefs and mentor guides. These projects have titles including ‘Use Python Basics for Market Analysis’, ‘Develop a Software Program Using Python’, ‘Develop a Web Application Using Django’ and ‘Scale a Django Application Using Modular Architecture’.
  • Authored a course titled Set Up a Python Environment. The course teaches students how to manage Python packages with pip, how to create and manage Python virtual environments with venv and how to set up a project in an IDE using PyCharm.
  • Reviewed other Python experts’ project and course outlines and content in order to ensure high quality.
